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Quite the World, Isn't It?

What the hell, may as well join them

I've resisted going the blog route for myriad reasons, the most significant of which was a belief that I didn't have that many opinions. "Yeah, right," I can hear you say. Fair enough. I have one or two. So, what the hell, I may as well join the 21st Century.

What can you expect in this space? Hopefully a regular flow of material. Updates on progress on my current book, The Fear Within, which is due at Rutgers University Press in (ulp) December. Appearances and developments related to Blood Passion (feel free to give one to any Hollywood producers and directors you know - it would make a damn fine film).

But I'll also talk about some of my journalism as it unfurls, post thoughts on current events that catch my eye, and link to a whole bunch of stuff, from politics to books to soccer (Go, Arsenal!) to whatever else crosses the screen. And I'll likely throw in some postings on my travels -- such as next week at Book Expo.

So stay tuned.
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